
Withdrawal / cancellation policy

As a consumer (any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for a purpose that can be attributed neither their commercial nor independent professional activity), you can cancel your contract within 14 days without giving reasons in writing (eg letter, fax or e-mail ) withdraw. The period begins on the day on which you receive the revocation instruction in text form, but not before receipt of the goods at you or the recipient you mentioned (in the case of recurrent delivery of similar goods not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and not, before the seller has fulfilled his duties to provide information in accordance with § 312c Abs. 2 BGB in connection with § 1 Abs. 1, 2 and 4 BGB-InfoV and his obligations pursuant to § 312e Abs. 1 Satz 1 BGB in conjunction with § 3 BGB-InfoV. To maintain the cancellation period, the timely dispatch of the revocation is sufficient.

The revocation must be sent to:

Leder Klappert
Owner: Karin Klappert
Celler Str. 132
31582 Nienburg
Tel: +49 5021-61690
Fax: +49 5021-915170
E-Mail: info (at) leder-klappert.de

Consequences of Withdrawal

In the case of an effective cancellation, the mutually received benefits must be returned. There is no obligation to replace the use of the object or the value of the uses. If you can not wholly or partially return the received goods to the seller or only in a deteriorated condition, you must compensate the seller if necessary. With the release of things this does not apply if the deterioration of the thing solely on their examination - as it would have been possible for you in the store - is due. Incidentally, you can avoid the obligation to pay compensation for a deterioration caused by the intended use of the item by not using the item as your own property and refraining from doing anything that impairs its value.
 Items that can be shipped by parcel must be returned at the risk of the seller. Items that can not be shipped by parcel will be picked up at your place of delivery. Obligations to reimburse payments must be met within 14 days. The period begins for you with the dispatch of your revocation and the thing, for the seller with their receipt. The return costs are paid by the customer himself.

For the following goods there is no right of withdrawal, acc. §312d Abs.4 BGB:

The right of withdrawal exists i.a. not with contracts for the supply of goods, which are manufactured according to customer specification or are clearly tailored to the personal needs.

After sending a color card, hand pattern or sample items to the customer and the selection by the latter in material type, size, color and quality, after order confirmation email by the customer, the revocation is excluded.

End of revocation instruction

As of 04/2019
Customer Service

Questions or customer service?

On the Internet we are reachable by mail around the clock.

Our e-mail address is: info (at) leder-klappert.de

By phone we can be reached in our workshop under +49 5021-61690. Call for a personal consultation. We will call you back.

If we are busy with a sales order, speak a message on the answering machine. We will call you back immediately. Or send us a mail request.

The legislator provides in Appendix 2 to Article 246a § 1 (2) sentence 1 point 1 and § 2 (2) number 2 EGBGB the following model withdrawal form:

Leder Klappert
Owner: Karin Klappert
Celler Str. 132, 31582 Nienburg
(at) leder-klappert.de

Withdrawal form